Breastfeeding your baby
More than ever women are now understanding the importance of breastfeeding, the way nature intended. There are many different elements to breastmilk, including vitamins and minerals that contribute towards the healthy development of your baby. Specific components in breastmilk also contribute to a strong, healthy immune system.
World governing bodies in their recognition of health in our communities, have recommended exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. With the introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at six months breastfeeding continues up to and beyond the age of two years.
96% of women want to breastfeed their baby however, by the age of three months only 39% of babies are being exclusively breastfed. Exclusive breastfeeding means a baby is receiving only breast milk, no other liquids, or solids. By five months of age the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding drops off rapidly to 15%.
The basic set up for attaching a baby on to the breast will be the same no matter what size your breasts, the shape of your nipples or the position you choose to feed your baby in. Some breast and nipple shapes are more challenging, however with the correct guidance and information this will help overcome these challenges.